INSTALLING HIFI HIFI package is provided as a tar file on a CD. HIFI can be installed either in the main directory: /vnmr/ or in your local directory: /vnmrsys/ where is the path to your home directory where you want to install HIFI To install it follow these simple steps: 0) HIFI uses nmrPipe to process the orthogonal and tilted planes and, thus, you need to install nmrPipe on the spectrometer Sun (or Linux-Dell) first. nmrPipe is free and is very simple to install. Go to for more information or to download the program. Once you have installed nmrpipe, do NOT add any source commands into the .login or .cshrc files, as these may interfere with vnmr (vnmrJ). As explained in more detail below, inside the hifi/com directory we also provide a "nmrpipe.csh" file that will be automatically sourced each time an orthogonal or tilted plane is processed. 1) EXTRACT THE HIFI FILES FROM THE TAR FILE TO THE PROPER DIRECTORY cd /vnmr -or- cd /vnmrsys -if you are installing it locally (replace with the actual path to your home directory tar xvf /hifi.tar -where is the location of the hifi.tar file this will create a new directory "hifi" and distribute files to the "psglib" "maclib" "parlib" "templates" and "user_templates" directories 2) INSTALL THE MATLAB LIBRARIES the tilt prediction and peaklist generation programs are written using Matlab cd hifi/com unzip -this will extract all the matlab libraries and copy them into a subdirectory named "v72" 3) SET THE PATHS FOR THE HIFI SCRIPTS AND MACROS this is critical for HIFI to work at all, there are 5 files require to be modified *** HIFI scripts in the "hifi/com" directory *** in the "hifi/com" directory, you need to set the proper path for two shell scripts: 1- 2- at the beginning of BOTH these files, set the "LIBDIR" variable to point to the correct location of the "hifi/com" directory, e.g.: LIBDIR='/vnmr/hifi/com' -if installing hifi in the main directory -or- LIBDIR='/vnmrsys/hifi/com' -example for local installation in your vnmrsys directory (replace with the actual path to your home directory) *** nmrPipe source file also in the "hifi/com" directory *** in the same directory ("hifi/com"), set the correct nmrpipe path at the beginnig of the file: 3- nmrpipe.csh for example, if nmrPipe is installed in "/export/data/nmrPipe", set the variable NMRBASE to point to this path: setenv NMRBASE /export/data/nmrPipe as explained above this file is automatically sourced before each orthogonal or tilted plane is processed *** HIFI macros in the "maclib" directory *** in the maclib directory set the proper hifi path in two macro files: 4- mHIFI 5- VNMR2PIPE at the beginning of each macro, edit the variable $HIFI_DIR to point to the correct location of the hifi scripts ( and For example: $HIFI_DIR='/vnmr/hifi/com' -if installing HIFI in the main directory -or- $HIFI_DIR='/vnmrsys/hifi/com' -for local installation in your vnmrsys directory (replace with the actual path to your home directory) 4) COMPILE THE PULSE SEQUENCES WITH "psggen" *** if you are installing HIFI in the /vnmr directory, then as vnmr1, give the following commands in a unix shell: > cd /vnmr/psglib > seqgen NEW* -pulse sequences will be compiled in the vnmr1 seqlib directory (~/vnmrsys/seqlib) and need to be moved to the common psglib directory (/vnmr/seqlib) > mv ~/vnmrsys/seqlib/NEW* /vnmr/seqlib/. > rm -f ~/vnmrsys/psglib/NEW* -delete the c files from the local psglib directory NOTE: "~" in these commands corresponds to the vnmr1 home directory (since you are logged in as vnmr1) *** if you are installing HIFI into your local directory, then login as yourself and give the following commands in a unix shell: > cd ~/vnmrsys/psglib > seqgen NEW* -pulse sequences will be compiled into your local seqlib directory NOTE: "~" in these commands corresponds to your home directory (since you are logged in as yourself) 5) RUN ALL THE PREDICTION AND PEAK EXTRACTION PROGRAMS THE FIRST TIME BY EXECUTING THE "first_run.csh" SCRIPT *** the first time (and only the first time) that the tilt prediction and extraction programs are executed, new files are extracted and written to the disk *** in order to do this properly, we provide a script named "first_run.csh" that is located in: /hifi/com/first_run/first_run.csh *** the "first_run.csh" script needs to be executed by the owner of the directory where hifi is being installed *** simply, in a unix shell window give the commands: > cd /hifi/com/first_run > ./first_run.csh *** be patient , running this script may take a little while depending on how fast is the computer. *** note: once these new files have been extracted, they can not be moved to a different directory. If you wish to move these programs, you will have